Expired WBF energy work: a therapeutic group for healing & restoring wholeness

Event Phone: 707-315-2370

Wholebody Focusing energy work:
a therapeutic group for healing & restoring wholeness
with Glenn Fleisch, Ph.D., MFT

This new online program will incorporate the practice of Wholebody Focusing energy work as a foundation for facilitating deep healing and restoring wholeness. We co-create and unfold a therapeutic group journey together for the sake of our own healing and for the transformation of others. We develop and nurture a safe, supportive and interactive environment that facilitates awakening the body’s life energy, and unwinding its embodied patterns and triggers. This process also invites and allows the body to bring us surprising new creative possibilities, and capacities- restoring, as well as reclaiming the fullness of life and spirit within our body.

On this therapeutic journey, we foster healing through a deepened reconnection of awareness with our body’s inner life energy- as well as through relational connection with others. Embodied self-renewal is essentially a relational process. When the life in you touches the life in me, this interplay awakens, draws out and brings forth the deeper essence of both of ourselves as embodied beings. Our whole body becomes a tuning fork of spirit- more open to the energy of life, its tones, colors, qualities of being, as expressions of the soul.

Embedded in every symptom, problem, pattern—even in our physical maladies—lies this energy that’s crying out to return to our wholeness. When we allow the body to become more fully alive, this natural Source of energy and wisdom effortlessly awakens, showing us the way forward, leading us toward reconnecting with lost places within and retrieving the treasures held there. It the coming of this vital energy, the body’s inner-directed energy and wisdom, something that moves the body and awareness of its own, from within its own natural impulses, that is the heart of the therapeutic healing potential of WBF energy work. It is a radiant core of aliveness and intelligence connecting us with the whole field of Being.

In this program, each of us will be invited to bring something to explore and work on during the course of our group process. This can of course change, yet seems important to have at least one aspect as a focal point- a thread that weaves and unfolds itself in the safe, caring and supportive space we create. One way to think of what you might explore is: a new step you want to take; a lasting change you want to make and/or a reactive/pattern that seems hard to shake. This WBF therapeutic group program is for anyone interested in and ready for healing and renewing- devoting time, energy and resources toward the deep transformation of self. In addition to exploring our own inner dynamics, we also will provide support, listening and active engaging as Companions. We form a sacred healing circle, a safe, supportive space where we allow ourselves to embody energy, and let it move our body into its own expression and right way of being. Our space is like an opening for the child in us to have free play, to restore its aliveness and vitality in ways that are generally not possible or advisable in our everyday life.

Starting dates:  Thursday, June 18th at 11 a.m. Pacific time;

                                 Friday June 19th at 2 p.m. Pacific time.

Initial commitment:  As a therapeutic group process, we are asking everyone to commit to 15 weeks. That means weekly meetings from the start date through Sept. 24th and 25th. It is hoped that the group will stay together longer, from 6 months to a year.

Cost: The total fee for the initial commitment period is $550, which breaks down to about $150 month (except for June, 2 meetings and July, 5 meetings). You can pay monthly if that works better for your budget. If you pay in full for the initial period up front, you get a $25 discount, so total fee is $ 525. If you are interested in joining the program and have financial concerns, please contact me to discuss.

How to pay: Payment is through PayPal. The PayPal account is: glenn@glennfleisch.com. And it is suggested that you pay as a “friend to friend” transaction, which has no fee. Otherwise, if you send payment as a service, there is an additional 5 % surcharge.

How will the group function? At the outset, we will introduce ourselves, share our intentions for joining, name something we would like to explore. Each group will begin with a brief WBF attunement, then have at least one session that Glenn will facilitate with a group member, then move into break-out groups to process together. We will then reconvene and share what has emerged.

What will be the group size? Because of the therapeutic nature of this program, the maximum number of participants will be 20. More likely, we will have about 12-16 people. The minimum number will be 8.

Will I get to work with others in the group? Yes definitely. There will be break-out sessions in every group meeting, in differing formats depending on what is happening in the group as a whole, and with specific group members. We will have dyads, as well as triads and even foursomes. Everyone will thus a companion for other’s WBF process as well as exploring our own healing. Each of us thus has an important role in facilitating the growth and transforming of ourselves and one another.

Is this program group therapy? Not in the traditional sense, yet of course it is a group whose purpose is for therapeutic healing and restoration. We will not necessarily be talking about what happened that week, or with a significant other, etc- although that certainly happens and is welcome. However, in WBF energy group work, we want to invite and allow for the body to move, gesture, unwind, explore, express, without always putting into words. In addition, the interpersonal dynamics that often emerge in group therapy (when we get triggered, have a reaction to another group member…) can be processed through a type of verbal Focusing exchange. Yet even here, it is encouraged to explore these reactions and dynamics as part of your own energy field, processing it as a part of your body’s own journey.

What if I get stuck, feel unsafe, want to withdraw from the group? It is quite common, even universal that a group will bring up many of our own wounds, patterns, triggers. While not the central focus of this WBF group, it is likely to happen and if necessary, Glenn can facilitate a session if you become stuck, of something got evoked that makes it feel unsafe, or you recognize a place that feels challenged. And while most of these dynamics get resolved, and actually can become an essential aspect of our healing process, it is possible that you may truly sense that this can’t be resolved in the present circumstance. Then of course you can leave the group, hopefully with brief statement. In many years of offering this type of format, this step has rarely happened.

Can one follow one’s own pace, rhythm, flow even if different from the rest of the group? Yes, this is crucial. Everyone is encouraged and supported in following the body’s own dynamics, including its pace and order. This is so important not only in feeling safe but also in honoring your body’s own inner needs and dynamics. Perhaps you are going through something that needs silence, or conversely, a lot of verbal expression. Or your WBF process needs much time and space to unfold. In addition, knowing your body’s own boundaries and limits is quite essential. If something feels too much, for example, you may need to slow down, stop, take a break etc.

What is Glenn’s experience and role? Glenn brings his 40 years of experience as a clinical psychologist and licensed psychotherapist to our group. He has been trained and practiced as a Focusing oriented therapist and Wholebody Focusing trainer for over 25 years. He has special training and experience in working with deep traumas, depression, addictions and anxiety states. In the group, he will function as a facilitator and guide to support the WBF process of each member. In addition, he holds space for the whole of the group- to ensure it stays safe, open, accepting and flowing. He will lead attunements, offer individual sessions in the company of the whole group, and provide guidance when needed to help work through difficult dynamics. He will also offer some additional tools for our WBF group journey- including body-drama work, and how to use our wholebody self as an active/interactive resource. Glenn also plans to participate in exploring some aspects of his own healing.

Glenn; gfleisch60@gmail.com



  • Thursdays 11:00 a.m. (PT)
     June 18, 2020 - September 24, 2020
     11:00 am 15 meetings on Thursday 11:00 a.m. (PT). First meeting on June 18, 2020. Last meeting on September 24th. Payment in full receives $25 discount.
  • Fridays 2:00 p.m. (PT)
     June 19, 2020 - September 25, 2020
     2:00 pm 15 meetings on Friday 2:00 p.m. (PT). First meeting on June 25, 2020. Last meeting on September 25th. Payment in full receives $25 discount.
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.
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